You may have been communciate with a Chinese supplier by Wechat or Email for quite some time, with the help of some machine translation software. And now you really want to nail down the details of your order, and really want to make sure the supplier’s rep understands each and every one of your requirements. Come into our office and we can sit down and make an international call or Wechat call with you.
Our general approach when assisting with such inquiries is proactive problem solving. We take instructions from you and give you feedback from a Chinese prospective. We are part of your team to work with you to get things done, whatever that is.
Our phone interpreters are NAATI certified, who provide regular phone interpreting services to the largest government organizations, such as the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Centrelink, public hospitals and so on, on a regular basis.
Tips on how to work with a remote interpreter
Neither our Aussie barrister nor our Chinese client is in a position to judge the interpreting quality of May CHEN. But I am, being a bilingual lawyer. And I can see that your interpreter has translated the legal concepts after she has understood it and therefore it makes sense to the client.
Derek Lo Lawyer, Partner of Canaan Lawyers