The definition of Work Place has changed a lot since our Covid lock down in 2020 in Melbourne. We have started to see more demand for remote video interpreting, in addition to phone interpreting that we are already offering. It is cheaper, quicker and better for the environment. Our interpreters love it, as they can spend more time interpreting rather than driving. Our clients love it, because it is a lot cheaper and still achieves the purpose of getting the messages through, and they have the flexibility of working from home. We are able to provide Simultaneous Interpreting and Consecutive Interpreting on video conference platform such as Zoom, Ms Team and Webex.
The platforms are quite similar in terms of meeting interpreters’ requirements, although there are minor differences. For example, Zoom is more suited to multilingual conference where the interpreter needs to switch interpreting directions, for example, when an English presenter is presenting, the interpreter will be working from English into Mandarin, and changes to Mandarin to English when a Chinese attendee is asking a question. Team will require the interpreter to have two accounts in order to switch direction.
Click here to find out about how we do video interpreting for court hearing and AGM.
Your experience is wide ranging and your service is thorough and efficient. I will highly recommend it to anyone.
Ian Robertson, Lawyer Proprietor of Ian Robertson Legal